Answer: the first thing to explain is that Lenovo IdeaCentre Q110 uses the Atom processor to match the NVIDIA's wing Yang ION platform.The integrated graphics card on board, whether it is the official data of NVIDIA or the measured data, can play a more fluent 1080P Full HD movie.For a long time, it should not turn on the hardware acceleration decoding function.It is recommended that the reader change the playback software into the latest perfect decode and select the hardware decode options. 它应该是没有问题的。但是,有许多版本的阿凡达。如果你启动硬件加速或不启动,那么你可能会把1080p版本的最大速率放在首位。至于升级,由于小型机箱和集成设计的Atom好友,升级选项仅限于内存和硬盘。