PowerPoint2003 is a slide production software provided by Microsoft Corp. It is usually used in conjunction with projectors, no matter in speech, class, meeting, training and so on, which are indispensable tools and devices.When we need to add forms to PPT, we first need to make Excel well, then insert it into the slide, and how to operate it. 接下来,学习具体的操作步骤。 (1)在菜单栏中单击插入;;mdash;对象命令,打开插入对象对话框;。 选中的文件由;;选项,然后单击浏览按钮;找到你要插入的Excel电子表格文件夹,选择文件,单击按钮返回到确定;并且可以插入到幻灯片表中。 三.调整窗体的大小并将其放置在正确的位置。 注:为了使插入的表格将显示正常,行数,列和宽(高)度应调整在Excel第一。如果在插入对象对话框,选择,,选项,修改链接,插入到表格后在Excel数据显示,当你打开演示文稿,相应的表格会自动修改。