如今,北京中关村台式机内存现货市场,整体价格在大面积持续上涨。据商家称,由于市场过于低迷,导致价格上涨放缓。根据小道消息,每个模块工厂都很难订购DRAM颗粒。I'm afraid that the price will still rise, which is expected to be around 200 yuan.Today Beijing Zhongguancun spot market mainstream notebook memory, 2GB/800 memory price has risen to 185 yuan, while the DDR3 also rose slightly, but the current Adata 2GB/1066 remained stable at around 260 yuan, higher price.
今天北京中关村台式机硬盘现货市场,日立1TB跌破500元大关,希捷/ WD还没有太多的运动,我认为近期走势将相对稳定。今天北京中关村笔记本硬盘现货市场,整体价格稳定,日立产品的价格,但希捷160gb板块下跌略,目前售价280元。