由于Windows Phone 7上的应用程序只能通过Markeplace分发,所以对于开发人员来说想要让其他人帮你测试程序比较困难。而通过私有分发的支持,你可以指定哪些人可以 下载你的应用程序。这样在你的程序正式发行之前就可以在小范围内进行软件的测试,等到软件成熟之后在正式的投向市场。
其实在早期我们得知Windows Phone 7的应用程序只能通过Marketplace分发的时候,我就不止一次的被问到:对于企业用户怎么办?难道谁都可以随意下载安装针对企业特别订制的商务软 件吗?现在这个问题看样子以后可以解决了,微软目前所支持的Beta测试正是为以后推出私有分发而做准备。到那时候,这个问题也必将迎刃而解。
下面这段话是Charlie Kindel的原话:
So we’re starting by implementing a feature to help developers test applications, but over time we’re going to build on this public and private cloud philosophy to make the Marketplace infrastructure accessible to corporate and business customers as well. This will create an even richer marketplace for the games and applications that already live there by attracting an even broader base of customers who will no doubt want more than line of business applications on their new Windows Phone 7.