拟合模型的价格(元)cpuamd FX 4100(粉)610散热器风神β第四百(10版)80金士顿4GB DDR3 1600182硬盘希捷Barracuda 500GB 7200 16mb sata3325 LX3 plus499显卡主板华硕m5a78l-m迪兰恒进hd6670恒金1g549权力游戏的玩家ra400半桥超静音版189盒一般为128显示亚哲明治sk-236ew849鼠标
雅虎79套房G1000 CD-ROM惠普rm46593联想c153089共计3672元
图:迪伦hd6670恒金1G显卡卡制造工艺的最新40nm土耳其人基于内置的480个流处理器的图形核心,可以完美支持Powerplay节能技术,uvd3高清引擎等先进特效,而且搭载1G高速GDDR5显存颗粒,微软的DirectX 11标准的全面支持,为视频用户体验提供流畅的3D性能和冲击。
CPU:配置使用AMD FX 4100处理器,主频高达3.6ghz。The product is not on sale for a long time, the process is AMD's latest 32 nm, and there are four cores, Turbo acceleration frequency is 3.7GHz, and the amplitude is small.Its TDP power consumption is designed as 95W (Intel new SNB-E is said to have TDP of 75W), while L2 cache is 4MB, L3 cache is 8MB, and the maximum support for 1866MHz frequency dual channel memory (which is much more valuable than that of the 75W), adopts the interface.